Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why You Should Settle For Second Best

By: Robin OBrien

We all have our dreams and goals. Sometimes they are a long way out of sight and we know, deep inside, it's going to take a long time to get there. So perhaps it's best to settle for something that's less than perfect rather than struggling for something that may be unattainable?

The term 'settling for second best' has had a bad wrap of late. It implies failure: a weakness on one's part to achieve some aspiration. To be sure, failure isn't something anyone wants and having a sense of failure can leave a person feeling very unhappy about his or her life. But perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the term. And whilst we're at it, take a more realistic approach to achieving our goals.

In order to get anywhere we must proceed on a journey. And before we set off we must plan the route, especially if the journey is a long one. But how do we visualize that route plan? If we think about it, we know that no one sees the plan as a whole, rather we see it as a series of stages: A to B to C etc. Therefore the route to journey's end is not one single step but a series of smaller steps that will eventually get us to where we want to go. Also, because the journey has been broken into a series of smaller journeys, we can stop at any point along the way and rest. When we get to one of our mini end points we can think about how we got there and think again about the end of the journey. It's at these mini end points that we have the time to think and, if necessary, to re-plan the route: perhaps the plan we had marked out wasn't the best way of completing the journey after all, in which case, we can make new plans. [Read full article]

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