Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Benefits Of A Positive Attitude

By: Ab van Deemter

Two people look at a glass which is half filled with water.
Are you the person who sees a glass that is half empty or do you see a glass that is half full?

We have a lot of choices in life. We can choose to look at things the negative way and always see the dark side of situations, or we can choose to be positive and live a happy and fulfilling life.

Why is it so important to live a positive and optimistic life?

Of course it is important to live a positive life, because it is so much more fulfilling. Optimism is synonymous with positive mood and good morale. It is also linked to athletic and academic success, to success in career and politics, to better health and longer life and moreover positive individuals are much more attractive to people than negative people are.

Now, I hear you thinking. The rates of depression and pessimism amongst people have never been higher than they are today, no matter the age group. These days it is affecting older, middle aged and younger people all the same way.

Although it is not the easiest thing in the world to change in our life, it is important to realize that being a pessimist instead of an optimist is a matter of choice. We can choose to be positive or negative.

So, experience how the self motivation tips hereunder are the key to change. Do some self motivation exercise so that after a while you acquire the necessary self motivation skills in positive thinking.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Knowing the Law of Attraction, Understanding Cause and Effect and changing our lives for the better

By: Victoria Welch

If we understand Cause and Effect, can we change the Cause and change the Effect on our lives for the better?

For every effect in your life, there is a cause, or series of specific, measurable, definable, identifiable causes.

We all know someone who is a Law of Attraction intention manifest master, someone who, seemingly understands the Law of Attraction success principles and with ease appears to have everything they want, usually people who we've thought, much more fortunate than we were.

The Secret Law of Attraction Guide before, "we attract to our life what we give our focus, energy and attention to".

So are these people deliberately attracting a better lifestyle or not?

For those of us who have applied our attention, energy and focus on without, we are still using Cause and Effect, it's just that our attention has been focused in the wrong direction.

This Law says that if there is anything you want in life, an effect that you desire, you can find someone else that has achieved the same result or effect, and that by doing the same things that they have done, over and over you can eventually enjoy the same results and rewards.

However, Cause and Effect cuts in both ways. It also says that if there is an unwanted effect in your life, whether it's no money, bad relationships, unsatisfying career, or any other difficulty, you can trace that effect back to the things that you have done to cause it and that by removing the causes you can begin to remove the effects, sometimes as quickly as overnight.

From this moment on, using Cause and Effect to attract abundance and prosperity, will be down to your knowledge, not be down to luck.

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Real Boldness

By: Daniel J. Belcher, Jr.

What is Boldness? The dictionary describes boldness as the willingness to take risk, fearless, daring and brave. It is in all of us to sometimes be bold in the face of stressful situations. Boldness is the ability to speak up clearly and confidently; it helps to empower who we are. When we take a stand in uncomfortable situation, then we are exercising the true art of boldness.

One of the things that will help us to become bold is the ability to steady ourselves. In stressful or fearful situation, we must seek to stiffen our backs and straighten our necks. This act will help you to say what you have to say. There are times in life when you may be the only one willing to stand up for right. It is essential to learn techniques that help you do what is right. The ability to be steady mentally and physically can help in our quest for boldness.

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