Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Power Of Positive Thinking And Feeling

By: Kelly Robbins

With the recent media attention given to The Secret and the law of attraction, what I have to share today may be old news to many of you. I questioned whether or not to write an article this week on the power of positive thinking - surely everyone knows the benefits of this, right? I was talking to my mom a few days ago and she had never heard of The Secret (what rock does she live under?) but she knew all about the law of attraction.

That's old news she told me.

So, here I am. Talking with you about the power of positive thinking. And while consciously we may all quickly agree that it's common sense to think positively rather than negatively, to see the cup half full rather than half that what we do?

We may talk to others positively and see ourselves as a cup half full type of person. My question to you is what is going on inside your head that no one sees? And, according to the law of attraction, how are you feeeeeeling about a topic or subject? Your thoughts lead to how you feel - which is key to attracting what you desire.

For many of us it's easy to say how great our products and services are; it's easy to talk about how we can help people live healthier lives...but when you are alone, are you thinking and feeeeeeeling how good it feels to help people? Are you worrying about paying your bills or perhaps role playing how you would respond to a negative situation over and over again? I know I do it.

Paying attention to your private thoughts is something I've learned you have to focus on. You first need to be aware of what your thoughts are, and then learn how to direct them where you want them to go -- which is to a positive outcome or feeling about something positive rather than a negative. [Read full article]

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