Thursday, May 31, 2007

Excuse Me, Have We Met?

By: Michelle Simms

According to the Harvard Business Review (Feb, 2007), self-awareness has just been recognized as the most important capability for leaders to develop. I would add that this is a quality that is beneficial for anyone to develop. After all, we are all leaders somewhere in our lives aren't we? Emotions can play an important role in our careers, education, at home, in our community, and in all our relationships.

Ever find that you get upset easily or fairly regularly? Maybe you feel overwhelmed most of the time, stressed out, or even tired?

Remember the old joke, "Doc, my arm hurts when I move it like this. What should I do?" To which the good doctor quickly responds, Stop moving it like that." If your life, career, relationships... (fill in the blank) are not going the way you'd like...maybe it's time you took a hard look at "yourself" ... more specifically, your lack of self-awareness.

What is Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is knowing one's internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions, allowing us to plan our actions and develop proactive behaviors. People with greater certainty about feelings are better pilots of their lives, having a surer sense of how they really feel about personal decisions from whom to marry to what job to take. [Read full article]

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Using Self Motivation Techniques To Keep Your Goals In Focus

By: Elaine Currie

No matter what goal you are aiming for, staying motivated is a challenge for everyone at times. Even though you have set those goals for yourself, it will be hard to stay focused at times. Using self motivation techniques is a great way to ensure that you stay positive and have the mental attitude needed to achieve your goals. One of the best things that you can do is to map out a plan detailing your goal and the steps that you will take to achieve your dreams. It is also a good idea to regularly reassess your plan and make sure that you still feel that your original strategy is the best one. There is nothing wrong with changing your plan if you feel that changes will improve it, the plan is not carved in stone and should always be considered as a flexible tool. Life is full of unexpected surprises and this can mean your initial steps will no longer lead you to where you want to arrive, you can change your written plan to take any surprise changes into account.

Making your written plan is the first step. After that, you might find that you still need sources of inspiration and encouragement. Self motivation techniques such as breaking your plan into small tasks that you can achieve daily will help give you a sense of accomplishment as each task is finished. This is a great technique and will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or feeling that your goal is too hard for you to accomplish. Remember, the way to eat a whole elephant is one bite at a time. Make a written list of tasks for each day and cross them off one by one as you complete them. Each time you cross off a completed item, your spirits will get a boost that will encourage you to tack the next task on your list. [Read full article]

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

6 Dangerous Reasons People Do Not Set Goals And Never Succeed

By: Joshua Uebergang

Goal setting is the framework for personal achievement. It is the backbone of becoming a person you desire to be. Setting and achieving personal goals will guarantee you success. Most people who do set goals have little to no understanding of goal setting and as a result fail to achieve them and never succeed. You would think that if goal setting was the ultimate skill and secret to success that everyone would develop their own personal goals and learn to achieve them. Unfortunately, the world is not that perfect. There are six dangerous reasons people do not set and achieve their goals which act like a road block to their success.

There are several reasons why people do not set goals similarly to why people do not care about communicating effectively. I know with absolute certainty that everyone will experience a more successful and far enjoyable life if they learned to communicate effectively. Arguably the greatest modern day personal development Coach, Anthony Robbins said, "The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives." Effective communication determines the quality of your life with others while self development determines the quality of your inner life.

The first reason I believe why people do not set goals is they do not see its importance. Like people who do not develop their communication and other aspects of themselves, they do not see the importance of setting goals. I have met people who are unbelievably resistant to developing their communication. They have actually found it insulting to think they need to improve how they communicate! Every single person on the face of this Earth can always communicate more effectively and have their life improve as a result. Likewise, with goals there are people who do not see the importance of setting personal goals. Goal setting forms the foundations for personal achievement and it is of the utmost importance. [Read full article]

Monday, May 28, 2007

Personal Development Tips Revealed: How To Accelerate Your Personal Growth

By: Kevin John

Are you spending a lot of time and money on personal growth and development books, videos, courses and seminars? Do you find that despite everything you've done, nothing seems to take root inside you, that you re just not moving forward fast enough? You need to find some way to accelerate your personal growth. Try these simple but powerful techniques

Personal development tip: Slow Down to Speed up

You may be trying to move too fast. Everyone has their own learning style which includes different ways and different speeds of learning.

Some of the marketing for personal growth and development material suggests that you can get instant benefits from the material. The techniques may be good, but you might be a person who needs a bit more time for what you are learning to truly sink in a take route.

You might also be trying to achieve too much perhaps you re cramming in so much stuff that you re mind is on overload.

Either way, a little patience may produce great rewards.

Focus is the key

Another problem I come across from time to time is that people skip from one course to the next, trying out meditation one day, affirmations the next, some mind programming tapes the next

Any good personal growth expert will tell you that focus is one of the keys to success. That s true in the area of personal development as well. You need to carefully pick the area you are going to work on and the way you re going to work on it. Stick with your chosen tool until you've achieved your objective. [Read full article]

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ten Attributes for an Effective Life

By: Raymond Gerson


In the process of acquiring an education, we learn about many important subjects such as math, science, and history. I believe our educations should also present ideas that help us develop into the best human beings we can become. To fulfill our potential, we need values and attributes that enrich our lives and the lives of others. These qualities, the result of our inner development, will allow us to mature emotionally and spiritually.

This article contains my ideas regarding ten attributes for living an effective life. These traits will help you be more effective in school, work, relationships, and other areas of your life. Developing these ten attributes builds character, which serves as a springboard for dynamic action. Character is the foundation from which we can live effective lives.


We can live a balanced and fulfilling life by focusing on spiritual development as a top priority, and by devoting time to the other areas: physical, mental, career, financial, family, and social/recreational.

We can provide balance in our lives by maintaining our health and vitality; developing a clear mind and a positive mental attitude; discovering our talents and making a contribution in a meaningful career; meeting our financial needs and obligations; taking care of our responsi- bilities to family; taking time out for fun; and building meaningful friend-ships. [Read full article]

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ten Words To Help Your Self Esteem

By: Robin OBrien

Acquiring self-esteem isn't easy. Most of us can start out with good intentions but then lose our way. We need simple guidelines, a catechism or a simple mantra show the way or give us something to fall back during hard times. To this end, I have put together ten steps that may help you gain the self-esteem you want so much.

The words self-esteem comprises ten letters. The first letter of each of the following step names spells out the words S-E-L-F E-S-T-E-E-M. This may seem a little conceited to some and, if this is so, I apologise. However, it is hoped that it will help as an 'aid memoir' to some.


For some, this first step can be the hardest and most frightening of all. But before we can embark on change we must first examine ourselves; to take stock of where we are in life and our relationships. A few may even believe that close scrutiny of the inner self will lead to even lower self-esteem. This is true, if there is no plan or intention for change. Therefore one should only take the first step if there is a real desire for change.


Having gathered the information we need to analyze it objectively. This often involves looking at our past to gain understanding of our present. What can't be changed can be more easily accepted or can be delegated as the responsibility of others. This does not mean that we apportion blame - no one is on trial. Rather, this analysis in an important step in the process of helping us to take more responsibility for our feelings, thoughts and actions. [Read full article]

Thursday, May 24, 2007

How To Improve Self Confidence At Work?

By: CD Mohatta

Coworker problems, problems with the boss, less job satisfaction, no chance of promotion, insufficient salary, damaged self-esteem and so many other problems create work a pain for many of us. Some of us are very frustrated with our jobs and are always looking for a change in job. But this change in job may not always help. The other company may have different set of problems. What are the issues that trouble us at work? Let us talk more.

Skill at whatever we do is the most important factor in any job. If you have lesser skill, you cannot compensate that with anything else. You will have to get more skill by joining some programs or changing your work profile. Get yourself tested again for your aptitude and decide if you wish to continue doing same work or change to any other. For example, you may be working as a content writer in a website company. If you think that you can do better with website design, shift to that. Find out your true skill and improve that everyday. This is the first key. [Read full article]

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why You Should Settle For Second Best

By: Robin OBrien

We all have our dreams and goals. Sometimes they are a long way out of sight and we know, deep inside, it's going to take a long time to get there. So perhaps it's best to settle for something that's less than perfect rather than struggling for something that may be unattainable?

The term 'settling for second best' has had a bad wrap of late. It implies failure: a weakness on one's part to achieve some aspiration. To be sure, failure isn't something anyone wants and having a sense of failure can leave a person feeling very unhappy about his or her life. But perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the term. And whilst we're at it, take a more realistic approach to achieving our goals.

In order to get anywhere we must proceed on a journey. And before we set off we must plan the route, especially if the journey is a long one. But how do we visualize that route plan? If we think about it, we know that no one sees the plan as a whole, rather we see it as a series of stages: A to B to C etc. Therefore the route to journey's end is not one single step but a series of smaller steps that will eventually get us to where we want to go. Also, because the journey has been broken into a series of smaller journeys, we can stop at any point along the way and rest. When we get to one of our mini end points we can think about how we got there and think again about the end of the journey. It's at these mini end points that we have the time to think and, if necessary, to re-plan the route: perhaps the plan we had marked out wasn't the best way of completing the journey after all, in which case, we can make new plans. [Read full article]

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Steps To Financial Freedom

By: Sue Bektas

Are you dreaming of being your own boss? I suggest that you stop dreaming and get into action. You never know what happens when you make that decision and go for it. People usually make excuses why they can't do something, they never look at the things they can do. Why do we do this, always look at the negative. I have wondered myself about this, we sabotage our dreams all the time, without thinking what we are actually doing. It takes changing our thoughts and really that's about it, when you change the way you think than a whole new world opens up to you. This is were others fail, they don't like change and they want others to change around them or situations to change. It takes to much effort and they think that others are the problem for were they are right now. If you are really sick and tired of being where you are right now I will give you the steps to financial freedom

How to get started. Look for a company or product that you are passionate about. Then see if there is a demand for the product in the market place. Find out the start up costs and everything you need to start your new business adventure. In most cases you will have a mentor. But if you don't find someone that you know who has been successful and find out how they have done it and pick their brains. The reasons for a mentor, they have been there before you and they know what you are going to go through and be able to keep you on track Don't be mistaken by thinking that you don't need a mentor, I can tell you that you do, they are very valuable and crucial to your success. When you start up your new adventure you have to think long term especially if you have not had a business before. There are going to be new skills that you have to learn and to be able to get out of your comfort zone. How much time will this take? Well that depends on you, how quickly you want to learn and follow instruction and be a good student. The more you read and listen to motivational cd's, the more you will grow mentally and spiritually. You will become an attractive person and you will attract others to you. [Read full article]

Monday, May 21, 2007

Six Quick Steps To Releasing Anger And Feeling Good Again

By: Brenda Shoshanna

Anger is a lethal force that undermines our lives in all kinds of ways. Sometimes it erupts openly and other times it camouflages itself and covertly undermines your life. Some experience anger as strength and power. They feel it is necessary in order to maintain control. Others assume they have the right to express anger. These are some of the lies anger tells us. In fact, when we are angry we are out of control and our ability to respond wisely is diminished.

It's time to look at anger in a new way and understand what it really is. Then we can take new steps that help us of anger, make us feel better, and see clearly what to do.

Step 1: Realize that anger is a choice you make

Anger is not a form of power, strength, or control. It is a toxin, which sometimes provides a temporary high. After this high subsides, the individual is left weaker and more uncertain than before. Not only that, the negative consequences of our outburst have to be handled. Basically anger narrows our focus, creates confusion and limits our ability to find constructive solutions. When anger arises, stop, breathe deeply, and immediately look at the larger perspective. Put the incident in context. For a moment, allow the other person to be "right". Tell yourself you have plenty of time to be right later. Your main goal is to have the anger subside so you can be in control.

Step 2: Pinpoint the 24 forms of anger

Anger camouflages itself and manifests in many ways. Unrecognized anger turns into all kinds of unwanted behavior that become impossible to stop. We have to become aware that this behavior is just another form of anger and pull it out at the root.

Some of the 24 forms of anger are: depression, hypocrisy, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, burnout, passive aggressive behavior, compulsions, perfectionism, gossiping, lying, and various addictions. When you realize that these are being fuelled by anger, you can take appropriate steps to handle them. [Read full article]

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Power Of Positive Thinking And Feeling

By: Kelly Robbins

With the recent media attention given to The Secret and the law of attraction, what I have to share today may be old news to many of you. I questioned whether or not to write an article this week on the power of positive thinking - surely everyone knows the benefits of this, right? I was talking to my mom a few days ago and she had never heard of The Secret (what rock does she live under?) but she knew all about the law of attraction.

That's old news she told me.

So, here I am. Talking with you about the power of positive thinking. And while consciously we may all quickly agree that it's common sense to think positively rather than negatively, to see the cup half full rather than half that what we do?

We may talk to others positively and see ourselves as a cup half full type of person. My question to you is what is going on inside your head that no one sees? And, according to the law of attraction, how are you feeeeeeling about a topic or subject? Your thoughts lead to how you feel - which is key to attracting what you desire.

For many of us it's easy to say how great our products and services are; it's easy to talk about how we can help people live healthier lives...but when you are alone, are you thinking and feeeeeeeling how good it feels to help people? Are you worrying about paying your bills or perhaps role playing how you would respond to a negative situation over and over again? I know I do it.

Paying attention to your private thoughts is something I've learned you have to focus on. You first need to be aware of what your thoughts are, and then learn how to direct them where you want them to go -- which is to a positive outcome or feeling about something positive rather than a negative. [Read full article]

Friday, May 18, 2007

Is Good Enough, Really Good Enough?

By: Cari Vollmer

I used to sit and cry because I couldn't keep up with everything I was supposed to do as a wife, mother and working woman.

I would actually get so frustrated by my inability to "do it all" I would be unable to do anything at all. I would freeze, be unable to move, and then feel like a failure.

As sorry as it sounds, I'm not kidding. I made myself miserable because I thought I should be doing so much more. Not only that, I thought I needed to do everything I did "just right".

Sound familiar?

I expect more women relate to this "perfection paralysis" than men, but I have known a fair number of men that suffer from it too.

Perfection Paralysis, as I define it, is what happens when your personal expectations are so great you get stuck because you can't seem to figure out how to do what it takes to meet your expectations.

For example, there are no answers to be found on how to easily cook a beautiful and delicious Food Network-type meal for 10 while cleaning your house until it shines the day before you leave for a week long business trip.

Nope. I never found the how-to manual for juggling it all easily and beautifully, but I did find something better.

I discovered two words that saved me and they'll save you too. [Read full article]

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Seven Spiritual Law Of Success The Secret Behind The Law Of Attraction That Gets You Results

By: Kevin John

The hit DVD The Secret teaches the Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand and has helped many people to start using this powerful law. But the Law of Attraction is just part of the seven spiritual laws of success there is more that you need to know about before you can be truly successful.

The secret Law of Attraction is in fact not really a great secret, it has been know about and used for centuries. However, before The Secret only a small number of people were aware of it because the knowledge behind the secret has not been widely disseminated.

If you use the Law of Attraction consistently you will be able to attract whatever you desire to you. By following the practices in The Secret you will also focus you mind on what you want and this will help you to create ideas that can lead you to your goals. [Read full article]

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

5 Tips To Stay Motivated

By: Lawrence Ho.

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going" - Jim Rohn

Okay, you believe that the positive living approach is definitely the way to go. You're meeting and greeting the world with a whole new positive attitude and your life is starting to show the signs already. People are actually being influenced by your new attitude and are responding in kind. Being positive really works!

Then something happens. You receive some not so pleasant news and you're right back where you started! What happened to your determination? How could this happen? What can be done on a regular basis to keep you motivated?
You need to have a personal motivation plan in place. And motivation is, as the word itself suggests, a motive for action.

Here are a few suggestions to help you get started.

1) Apply Motivation Everyday.

Is it possible to be positive and optimistic all the time? The answer is "No"! It is true that motivation doesn't last but if you work at it, keeping yourself on track, you will have many more up days than down. If we want to stay motivated continuously, we will have to apply motivational "food" to ourselves everyday. As we need daily food for physical energy, we need daily motivational "food" for mental energy. [Read full article]

Monday, May 14, 2007

How To Be A Lucky Person

By : Ralston Heath

Have you ever noticed that some people are just more "lucky" than others? You probably noticed that these "lucky" people have good self esteem. Have you wondered why things just seem to work out better for those people? Those "lucky" people easily manifest a good reality for themselves as they can and do, maintain a positive energy. Here are some tips you may need to consider as a starter guide.

Let us examine man's best friend; the dog. Dogs have great self esteem. They don't care about what might happen they only concern themselves with what is happening. They play, eat, and sleep. To most of us that looks like a good life. Dogs seem to show love easily and without reservation. They are driven by only pleasure and pain. I am not saying we should be like dogs (well maybe). No, we should however take from them a few examples and this will help us to develop good self esteem.

Everything and everyone else around you at one point or another will try to influence you to do something. These things are actions that you may not have taken had you not been influenced. Some things are just plain good for you and most of them also deliver pleasure. Some things bring pain and discomfort, and we should avoid or mitigate these things. Learning this makes you a more lucky person right now. [Read full article]

Thursday, May 10, 2007

More than One Way to Skin a Cat: Adventures in Creative Thinking

How many times have you caught yourself saying that there could be no other solution to a problem – and that problem leads to a dead end? How many times have you felt stumped knowing that the problem laying before you is one you cannot solve. No leads. No options. No solutions.

Did it feel like you had exhausted all possible options and yet are still before the mountain – large, unconquerable, and impregnable? When encountering such enormous problems, you may feel like you're hammering against a steel mountain. The pressure of having to solve such a problem may be overwhelming.

But rejoice! There might be some hope yet!

With some creative problem-solving techniques you may be able to look at your problem in a different light. And that light might just be the end of the tunnel that leads to possible solutions.

First of all, in the light of creative problem-solving, you must be open-minded to the fact that there may be more than just one solution to the problem. And, you must be open to the fact that there may be solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable.

Now, with this optimistic mindset, we can try to be a little bit more creative in solving our problems.

Number one; maybe the reason we cannot solve our problems is that we have not really taken a hard look at what the problem is. Here, trying to understanding the problem and having a concrete understanding of its workings is integral solving the problem. If you know how it works, what the problem is, then you have a better foundation towards solving the problem.

Not trying to make the simple statement of what problem is. Try to identify the participating entities and what their relationships with one another are. Take note of the things you stand to gain and stand to lose from the current problem. Now you have a simple statement of what the problem is. [Read full article]

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

10 Powerful Self Motivation Rules

Self motivation is the only way for you to get out of your current situation that you may not like. You need to have the inner drive to keep your momentum in achieving your goals in life. Without self motivation, nothing else matters. You can hire the most expensive motivator to tell you all the things you already know. But, if you fail to realize that there is no one else except you who can change your life, then you practically throw your money down the drain by going from one seminar to another in the hope that you can change your life. What matters most is your own action. You need to create and develop your own self motivation to bring you the energy and enthusiasm to pursue the dreams of your life.

You need some kind of motivational drive in anything you do. At work, you may need your colleague or boss to motivate you to accomplish your task. At home, you may need your family member to share some motivational thoughts to keep you energetic in your pursuit of your dreams. They can sit with you all day trying to keep you motivated. Again, all these will be meaningless when you yourself fail to acknowledge that you need more lasting drive to really keep your enthusiasm, that is, your self motivation. This is the quality that will separate you from the rest of the people.

Most of you may be thinking that this is going to be a very daunting task as you do not have the slightest idea of how you are going to go about this. You will be surprised as how easy this can really be done. [Read full article]