Friday, June 15, 2007

How To Bore Your Way To Success

By: Gary Vurnum

OK. I'll admit it. I'm passionate about success. I think about it every day. I think about it as I drift off to sleep. I think about it when I catch myself being idle for five minutes. I can't help it. It's my drug. And - everywhere I look...I find what I'm looking for! I see things now that I used to miss before. I pick up those little clues that I can use to my advantage.

The clues are there - if you look hard enough. Do you remember when you were a love-struck teenager? How the 'love of your life' consumed every waking moment, and totally destroyed your relationships with your friends who quickly took second place to 'the one'? Well...I'm like that. Except that I've managed to control my 'urges' to make sure that I play an active role in my family's upbringing.

At the ripe old age of 32 I'd rather read a book than go out for a drink! Why? I choose to do so because I know that unless I constantly search for the clues to success - I won't find them. So - out with novels. In with biographies and non-fiction! If there was a "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" solely on success and personal development - I'd win it! But...what's this got to do with you, I bet you're wondering. EVERYTHING!

You see - you don't have to turn into a 'success bore' like me to find out a path that works for you. You just have to find a subject that you are really passionate about - and then become a 'bore' in that!

[Read full article]

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