Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Give Yourself A Potential Makeover

By : Gary Vurnum

Unfulfilled potential.

We all have it.

It's like a little chip on our shoulder reminding us -
"You can do better"
"You can make more of yourself"

But...we know that being the top salesman, fast-track manager, or best-selling author is far, far out of our reach.

Or is it?

Why do you think it is? Can you PROVE that you haven't got the necessary talent or credentials for the job?

You're probably more qualified than them as well, aren't you?

So - what's stopping you from seeing your true potential? most cases three words are responsible :
"Fear of failure"

It's nothing to be ashamed of - at the moment I KNOW that I am subconsciously limiting myself because I KNOW that I am not succeeding to my true potential.

The difference is - because I am aware of it - I can force myself to do something about it.

I'm as human as you are.

So - even as I write this - I am working hard to push down those thoughts that say:
"What if it goes wrong?"
"What if I lose money?"
"But...I'm not worthy" etc etc

Even the greatest successes in the world share my thoughts - so I know that I'm not alone.

And neither are you, too.

[Read full article]

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