Friday, June 22, 2007

How to Eliminate Stress

By: Duke Xenner

What is it? Stress is tension. When you are stressed, your body tenses up, you are less relaxed, you are more irritable, more critical, less creative, less productive, more overwhelmed, and your over-all lowered state of health. Mental, emotional and physical health.

It is the single thing that is extraordinarily simple to change, but plays all the difference in your life. Most people have a unique set of causes for stress, but from my experience living in a high-stress environment, there are certain things that I've found to be most helpful.

In no particular order, here are some of the best ways to get rid of stress:

1. Physical Activity (No less than 30 minutes moderate or 15 minutes intense)

- The more stressed you are, the more active you should be every day

2. Listen to some high-energy music (for me, party music and metal work the best)

3. Listen to some relaxing sounds (slow music or natural sounds like wind or waves)

4. Take up a hobby (anything you enjoy doing, hopefully constructive)

5. Have a goal to work toward

- Direction in your life helps you clear up most turmoil and handle anything that comes your way with greater ease

- Anything you encounter is either for or against your efforts toward that goal

[Read full article]

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