Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Law Of Attraction: The Effect Of Positive Thinking

By: Chang Wee Teo

We each have our own internal voice, which is shaped in how we listen, talk and have been programmed by early learning experiences, all these occurrences shape our inner voice which in turn influences the way we think, what we are open to believing, and our actions. Therefore, what we send out to the universe is what is returned to us, in accordance to the law of attraction.

The power of positive thinking is something that comes natural for some, for others it is something to be learned. Nevertheless, we can change our inner voice, if we put our mind and heart to the task, we can shape our inner voice with positive thinking and positive actions. When applying positive thinking in relationship to the law of attraction, the results are positive manifestations of our will.

Positive thinking is a lifetime commitment of making your dreams come true by being honest, courteous, kind and up beat with yourself and others. We learn positive thinking by controlling our thoughts, and actively pushing the negative thoughts out of our minds with the tools of positive thinking. Once we start using the power of positive thinking, we must keep our mind attentive of what is important to us, while keeping sight of our purpose and main concerns in our thoughts and deeds. Once positive energy is activated naturally, the law of attraction kicks in mode to bring into your life the results of your practice of positive thinking.

Being able to visualize what actions we need to take, and then putting them into practice in our every day life, will enable us to work out our approach when dealing with any problem that might come our way. Controlled positive thinking can aid us in relaxing within ourselves, which in turn enables us to enjoy the success that we achieve through the law of attraction.

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1 comment:

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